Love the Gorkha Music

Sunday 11 November 2012

Deusi and Bhailo

Deusi and Bhailo.
Interesting Fact about Deusi and Bhailo...... King Bali during his rule asked specially children, youths and adults to go to others home and praise them to motivate them to donate something.

A brief introduction of King Bali: Demon King Bali, the grandson of Prahlada was a true devotee of Lord Vishnu. With the Lord's blessings,he had become invincible in the battle field and managed to defeat all Devas. The entire heaven, especially Lord Indra, became apprehensive about his increasing strength. At last, Lord Vishnu disguised as Bamana (dwarf), arrived on earth, to rescue Indra and other Devas from their plight. King Bali had the reputation of being a generous and good king. Using this quality, Vamana asked for space which could be covered in three sides.
Surely a dwarf could not cover much ground, thought the King, and agreed to his request. At this point, the dwarf changed into Vishnu and his three strides covered the Earth, the Skies and the whole Universe. As a result, Bali was sent to nether lands.
But we all know, Gods are ever generous and cannot see their true devotees suffer. So Lord Vishnu decided to protect Bali and brought him back from nether land. Bali was promised divine protection and immortality till the next aeon, when he will be crowned Indra. Lord Vishnu disguised himself, as Bali's doorman, and protected him from all dangers.
As a result, Vainkuntha was devoid of the Lord and Goddess Lakshmi became restless. She descended on earth as a Brahmin woman in an attempt to bring back her love. She told Bali, that her husband has gone away for a long errand and she needed a place to stay. King Bali welcomed her full heartedly and protected her as his own sister. Since the arrival of the Brahmin woman, i.e. , the Goddess herself the entire household of Bali was suddenly blooming with happiness, wealth, and harvest.

Why deusi and Bhailo?
King Bali had blessing from Goddess Laxmi because of his generous quality so he wanted to encourage the donating habit among his citizen and also wanted the children and youths and adults to drop their ego by asking for donation. So those who donated would get blessing from Goddess Laxmi and those who asked for lose their ego. The donated amount was again used to feed the poor ones. What a culture we have.....Everything is scientific...heheh smile :)